
meet Judy

My insurance provider guided me to Dr. Barnett at Star Ranch Dental, where I finally found a solution. I was wearing a nightguard, which I wasn’t sure fit right – and I had this “white noise” all the time in my head. It was awful! I had several lower back crowns placed years back, and this noise had been fairly constant since then. After my evaluation, we had my type of nightguard changed to one that instantly felt more comfortable. After an easy set of therapy sessions, the level of “white noise” was significantly reduced. Shortly after, the symptoms I was experiencing were almost completely alleviated. Amazing!

Judy's Symptoms & Condition

  • Wore a nightguard which she wasn’t sure fit right
  • “White noise” chronically present in head
  • Had several lower back crowns placed several years before and the noise had been fairly constant ever since
  • Judy's SolutionWe changed the type of nightguard from a full arch U-shaped one to an NTI which felt more comfortable to her but did not address the white noise for her.  Her MD told her that he could not find a medical reason for this.

    We discussed how bite force imbalance impacts the joint, inflammation, and the auditory region including the ear canal and auditory nerve.  She agreed to a set of sessions for an occlusal adjustment; after the first one she reported a significant drop in the noise level; after the third, it was gone for her.  After two months she said that it was only very slightly noticeable once a week or so.