
meet JoAnne

I had no symptoms or pain associated with jaw problems, but my dentist found signs of TMD in abfractions (non cavity cervical lesions), and I do have a history of grinding my teeth.  At first, I was not really interested in doing anything about it; but a year later I fractured one of my back teeth! It was then that I realized just how important it is to be proactive when it comes to your dental health. Do yourself the favor – talk with Dr. Barnett today!

JoAnne's Symptoms & Condition

  • Signs of TMD in abfractions (non cavity cervical lesions)
  • She reports no symptoms of TMD or jaw/head pain
  • History of grinding teeth
  • JoAnne's SolutionWe fabricated an orthotic. Since then, JoAnne has reported that she never sleeps without it and since she travels for work, she never leaves home without it.  She loves it and is a huge believer in its efficacy!